Movies Detail of Gupta vs Gordon (2003)
✓ Title : Gupta vs Gordon
✓ Release Date : January 31st, 2003
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 86 minutes
✓ Director : Jitendra Pal
✓ Writers : Jitendra Pal, Lucy White
✓ Company : Orthovision Films
✓ Country : New Zealand
✓ Cast : Andrew Burch, Kokila Krishna, Ajayshri, Kristy Witchelo, Kate Conaglen, Emma Brown, Monish Anand, John Clarke, Michael Rewiri-Thorsen, Mathew Watkins
✓ Release Date : January 31st, 2003
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 86 minutes
✓ Director : Jitendra Pal
✓ Writers : Jitendra Pal, Lucy White
✓ Company : Orthovision Films
✓ Country : New Zealand
✓ Cast : Andrew Burch, Kokila Krishna, Ajayshri, Kristy Witchelo, Kate Conaglen, Emma Brown, Monish Anand, John Clarke, Michael Rewiri-Thorsen, Mathew Watkins
Synopsis of Gupta vs Gordon (2003)
A slice of bi-cultural life in New Zealand - Hindu and Kiwi served up in the wine country environment of Hawke's Bay. The story revolves around the various cultural differences and serious matters of those differences being exposed and examined, mostly with a sense of humour. The Kiwis are introduced to various Hindu social conventions such as `mother in law rules' and the visiting Hindus are introduced to outspoken children, all while the Kiwi wife is about to have it out with the arrogant Hindu mother-in-law.
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Well, Gupta vs Gordon (2003) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Gupta vs Gordon (2003) itselft directed by Jitendra Pal and Starring by Andrew Burch, Kokila Krishna, Ajayshri, Kristy Witchelo, Kate Conaglen, Emma Brown, Monish Anand, John Clarke, Michael Rewiri-Thorsen, Mathew Watkins which made Gupta vs Gordon (2003) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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