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Movies Detail of Dust in the Sun (1972)

✓ Title : Dust in the Sun
✓ Original Title : Dans la poussière du soleil
✓ Release Date : June 9th, 1972
✓ Genre : Western
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Directors : Richard Balducci, Félix Fernández, Christiane Bertin
✓ Writers : Richard Balducci, Félix Fernández
✓ Companies : Univers Galaxie, Kerfrance Production
✓ Countries : Spain, France
✓ Cast : Marisa Porcel, Bob Cunningham, Karin Meier, Lorenzo Robledo, Daniel Beretta, José Calvo, Manolo Otero, Maria Schell, Colin Drake, Perla Cristal

Synopsis of Dust in the Sun (1972)

In the dry, dusty western hamlet of San Angelo, landowner Joe Bradford kills his brother and then marries his brother's widow, Gertie. Gertie's son, Hawk, decides that something's rotten in this state of affairs and thinks about taking action

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Well, Dust in the Sun (1972) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Dust in the Sun (1972) itselft directed by Richard Balducci, Félix Fernández, Christiane Bertin and Starring by Marisa Porcel, Bob Cunningham, Karin Meier, Lorenzo Robledo, Daniel Beretta, José Calvo, Manolo Otero, Maria Schell, Colin Drake, Perla Cristal which made Dust in the Sun (1972) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Dust in the Sun (1972)

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