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Movies Detail of Terrorism and Kebab (1992)

✓ Title : Terrorism and Kebab
✓ Original Title : الإرهاب والكباب‎‎
✓ Release Date : June 11th, 1992
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Director : Sherif Arafa
✓ Writer : Wahid Hamid
✓ Country : Egypt
✓ Cast : Ashraf Abdel Baqi, Ahmed Akl, Youssef Daoud, Hajjaj Abdul Azim, Kamal el-Shennawi, Yousra, Adel Emam, Ahmed Rateb, Alaa Wali El Din, Enaam Salousa

Synopsis of Terrorism and Kebab (1992)

Ahmad heads to Tahrir compound to extract papers to move his son to another school. There he clashes with the administrative obstacles. He finds himself suddenly involved in carrying a weapon, and taking hostages and is joined by others and soon the police forces surrounds the place.

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Well, Terrorism and Kebab (1992) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Terrorism and Kebab (1992) itselft directed by Sherif Arafa and Starring by Ashraf Abdel Baqi, Ahmed Akl, Youssef Daoud, Hajjaj Abdul Azim, Kamal el-Shennawi, Yousra, Adel Emam, Ahmed Rateb, Alaa Wali El Din, Enaam Salousa which made Terrorism and Kebab (1992) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Terrorism and Kebab (1992)

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