Movies Detail of Satantango (1994)
✓ Title : Satantango
✓ Original Title : Sátántangó
✓ Release Date : February 8th, 1994
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 432 minutes
✓ Director : Béla Tarr
✓ Writers : Péter Dobai, Béla Tarr, László Krasznahorkai, László Krasznahorkai, Mihály Víg, Barna Mihók
✓ Companies : Von Vietinghoff Filmproduktion (VVF), Vega Film, Mozgókép Innovációs Társulás és Alapítvány, Magyar Televízió, TSR
✓ Countries : Germany, Hungary, Switzerland
✓ Cast : Éva Almássy Albert, László feLugossy, Irén Szajki, Erika Bók, János Derzsi, Mihály Víg, Erzsébet Gaál, Alfréd Járai, Miklós Székely B., Putyi Horváth
✓ Original Title : Sátántangó
✓ Release Date : February 8th, 1994
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 432 minutes
✓ Director : Béla Tarr
✓ Writers : Péter Dobai, Béla Tarr, László Krasznahorkai, László Krasznahorkai, Mihály Víg, Barna Mihók
✓ Companies : Von Vietinghoff Filmproduktion (VVF), Vega Film, Mozgókép Innovációs Társulás és Alapítvány, Magyar Televízió, TSR
✓ Countries : Germany, Hungary, Switzerland
✓ Cast : Éva Almássy Albert, László feLugossy, Irén Szajki, Erika Bók, János Derzsi, Mihály Víg, Erzsébet Gaál, Alfréd Járai, Miklós Székely B., Putyi Horváth
Synopsis of Satantango (1994)
Inhabitants of a small village in Hungary deal with the effects of the fall of Communism. The town's source of revenue, a factory, has closed, and the locals, who include a doctor and three couples, await a cash payment offered in the wake of the shuttering. Irimias, a villager thought to be dead, returns and, unbeknownst to the locals, is a police informant. In a scheme, he persuades the villagers to form a commune with him.
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Well, Satantango (1994) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Satantango (1994) itselft directed by Béla Tarr and Starring by Éva Almássy Albert, László feLugossy, Irén Szajki, Erika Bók, János Derzsi, Mihály Víg, Erzsébet Gaál, Alfréd Járai, Miklós Székely B., Putyi Horváth which made Satantango (1994) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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