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Regarder Second Wind 1976 Streaming vf Film Complet HD

Movies Detail of Second Wind (1976)

✓ Title : Second Wind
✓ Release Date : April 8th, 1976
✓ Genres : Drama, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Director : Donald Shebib
✓ Writer : Hal Ackerman
✓ Company : Olympic Films Ltd.
✓ Country : Canada
✓ Cast : Tedde Moore, Cec Linder, Louis Del Grande, Jonathan Welsh, Gerard Parkes, Ken Pogue, Lindsay Wagner, James Naughton, Tom Harvey, Allan Levson

Synopsis of Second Wind (1976)

A successful executive and family man takes up jogging for a hobby. Soon his desire to excel as a long distance runner interferes with his career and marriage.

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Well, Second Wind (1976) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Second Wind (1976) itselft directed by Donald Shebib and Starring by Tedde Moore, Cec Linder, Louis Del Grande, Jonathan Welsh, Gerard Parkes, Ken Pogue, Lindsay Wagner, James Naughton, Tom Harvey, Allan Levson which made Second Wind (1976) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Second Wind (1976)

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