Movies Detail of Last Call for Nowhere (2016)
✓ Title : Last Call for Nowhere
✓ Original Title : Débarquement immédiat!
✓ Release Date : July 13th, 2016
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Philippe de Chauveron
✓ Writer : Philippe de Chauveron
✓ Companies : Les Films du 24, Les Films du Premier, TF1 Droits Audiovisuels, Canal+, TF1, TMC, TF1 Films Production, Ciné+
✓ Countries : France, Malta
✓ Cast : Jehanguir Byramjee, Mario Opinato, Edgar Givry, Ary Abittan, Medi Sadoun, Slimane Dazi, Loïc Legendre, Reem Kherici, Cyril Lecomte, Jassem Mougari
✓ Original Title : Débarquement immédiat!
✓ Release Date : July 13th, 2016
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Philippe de Chauveron
✓ Writer : Philippe de Chauveron
✓ Companies : Les Films du 24, Les Films du Premier, TF1 Droits Audiovisuels, Canal+, TF1, TMC, TF1 Films Production, Ciné+
✓ Countries : France, Malta
✓ Cast : Jehanguir Byramjee, Mario Opinato, Edgar Givry, Ary Abittan, Medi Sadoun, Slimane Dazi, Loïc Legendre, Reem Kherici, Cyril Lecomte, Jassem Mougari
Synopsis of Last Call for Nowhere (2016)
French border cop José Fernandez has just one last extradition to do before his long-awaited promotion to the crime bureau. But his detainee Akim, victim of a judiciary glitch, is outraged to find himself saddled with the identity of a potential terrorist and put on a flight back to Kabul, where he has never even set foot before! What starts as a routine trip for Fernandez and his skirt-chasing partner Guy goes haywire when their plane is grounded in Malta, forcing them to bunk up with Akim, who will stop at nothing to avoid extradition!
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Well, Last Call for Nowhere (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Last Call for Nowhere (2016) itselft directed by Philippe de Chauveron and Starring by Jehanguir Byramjee, Mario Opinato, Edgar Givry, Ary Abittan, Medi Sadoun, Slimane Dazi, Loïc Legendre, Reem Kherici, Cyril Lecomte, Jassem Mougari which made Last Call for Nowhere (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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