Movies Detail of Mad Max (1979)
✓ Title : Mad Max
✓ Release Date : April 12th, 1979
✓ Genres : Adventure, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : George Miller
✓ Writers : George Miller, George Miller, James McCausland, Byron Kennedy
✓ Companies : Kennedy Miller Productions, Crossroads, Mad Max Films, American International Pictures
✓ Country : Australia
✓ Cast : Steve Bisley, David Bracks, Hugh Keays-Byrne, Mel Gibson, Joanne Samuel, Bertrand Cadart, Roger Ward, David Cameron, Lisa Aldenhoven, Tim Burns
✓ Release Date : April 12th, 1979
✓ Genres : Adventure, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : George Miller
✓ Writers : George Miller, George Miller, James McCausland, Byron Kennedy
✓ Companies : Kennedy Miller Productions, Crossroads, Mad Max Films, American International Pictures
✓ Country : Australia
✓ Cast : Steve Bisley, David Bracks, Hugh Keays-Byrne, Mel Gibson, Joanne Samuel, Bertrand Cadart, Roger Ward, David Cameron, Lisa Aldenhoven, Tim Burns
Synopsis of Mad Max (1979)
Taking place in a dystopian Australia in the near future, Mad Max tells the story of a highway patrolman cruising the squalid back roads that have become the breeding ground of criminals foraging for gasoline and scraps. After some grisly events at the hands of a motorcycle gang, Max sets out across the barren wastelands in search of revenge.
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Well, Mad Max (1979) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mad Max (1979) itselft directed by George Miller and Starring by Steve Bisley, David Bracks, Hugh Keays-Byrne, Mel Gibson, Joanne Samuel, Bertrand Cadart, Roger Ward, David Cameron, Lisa Aldenhoven, Tim Burns which made Mad Max (1979) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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◈ Mad Max Movie Download Filmyzilla.In - Speculative fiction speculates about worlds that are unlike the real world in various important ways. In these contexts, it generally overlaps one or more of the following: science fiction, fantasy fiction, horror fiction, supernatural fiction, superhero fiction, utopian and dystopian fiction, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction, and alternate history.
◈ Marvel Mad Max Full Movie English - A horror genre featuring a serial killer or other psychopath as an antagonist, methodically killing a number of protagonists in succession. Dramatic suspense is heightened by the victims obliviousness of the killer. The victims are typically in isolated settings and often engaged in sexual activity previous to the attacks. The "slasher" kills their victims by sneaking up on them and then bloodily stabbing and slicing them to death with a sharp object, such as a chefs knife. Gender roles in slasher films are of particular interest in feminist film theory, which has extensively examined the trope of the Final girl.
◈ Ver Mad Max - A story that mocks or satirizes other genres, people, fictional characters or works. Such works employ sarcasm, stereotyping, mockery of scenes, symbols or lines from other works, and the obviousness of meaning in a characters actions. Such stories may be "affectionate parodies" meant to entertain those familiar with the references of the parody, or they may be intended to undercut the respectability of the original inspiration for the parody by pointing out its flaws (the latter being closer to satire).
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◈ Mad Max Full Movie In English Subtitles - has elements of science fiction in a Western setting. It is different from a Space Western, which is a frontier story indicative of American Westerns, except transposed to a backdrop of space exploration and settlement.
◈ Mad Max Watch Movies - Science fiction is similar to fantasy, except stories in this genre use scientific understanding to explain the universe that it takes place in. It generally includes or is centered on the presumed effects or ramifications of computers or machines; travel through space, time or alternate universes; alien life-forms; genetic engineering; or other such things. The science or technology used may or may not be very thoroughly elaborated on; stories whose scientific elements are reasonably detailed, well-researched and considered to be relatively plausible given current knowledge and technology are often referred to as hard science fiction.
◈ Regarder Mad Max Vf - relates to the pre-digital, cultural period of 1979, including mid-century Modernism, the "Atomic Age", the "Space Age", Communism and paranoia in the US along with Soviet styling, underground cinema, Googie architecture, space and the Sputnik, moon landing, superhero-comics, art and radioactivity, the rise of the US military/industrial complex and the fall-out of Chernobyl. Communist analog atompunk is an ultimate lost world. The Fallout series of computer games is an excellent example of atompunk.
◈ Mad Max Full Film Movie - This type features historical places, people, or events that may or not be crucial to the story. Because history is merely used as a backdrop, it may be fictionalized to various degrees, but the story itself may be regarded as "outside" history. Genres within this category are often regarded as significant categories in themselves.
◈ Mad Max Film Entier Streaming - A story with mystical elements that are scientifically explainable, or that combine science fiction elements with fantasy elements. Note that science fiction was once referred to by this name, but that it no longer denotes that genre, and has somewhat fallen out of favor as a genre descriptor.
◈ Mad Max Video Nexter - A sub-subgenre of science fantasy that takes place either at the end of life on Earth or the End of Time, when the laws of the universe themselves fail. More generally, the Dying Earth subgenre encompasses science fiction works set in the far distant future in a milieu of stasis or decline. Themes of world-weariness, innocence (wounded or otherwise), idealism, entropy, (permanent) exhaustion/depletion of many or all resources (such as soil nutrients), and the hope of renewal tend to pre-dominate.
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