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Graves & Bones 2014 Film complet filmtoon

Movies Detail of Graves & Bones (2014)

✓ Title : Graves & Bones
✓ Original Title : Grafir og bein
✓ Release Date : April 21st, 2014
✓ Genres : Thriller, Horror
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Anton Sigurðsson
✓ Company : Ogfilms
✓ Country : Iceland
✓ Cast : Björn Hlynur Haraldsson, Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir, Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir, Magnús Jónsson, Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir, Gísli Örn Garðarsson

Synopsis of Graves & Bones (2014)

Gunnar and Sonja are a married couple that had it all, money,love and a beautful daughter. But after the death of there daughter their world falls apart. To make things worse Gunnar is in the middle of a trial, being charged with illegal sales and purchase on behave of his company. When Gunnar and Sonja inherit Gunnar's niece Perla, the couple take on a weekend journey to pick up Perla, who is staying at a remote house in the Icelandic country side where she lost both of her parents in a horrible way. When Gunnar and Sonja arrive at the house strange things start to happen.

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Well, Graves & Bones (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Graves & Bones (2014) itselft directed by Anton Sigurðsson and Starring by Björn Hlynur Haraldsson, Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir, Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir, Magnús Jónsson, Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir, Gísli Örn Garðarsson which made Graves & Bones (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Graves & Bones (2014)

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