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[Télécharger* The Night of Bakiza and Zaghloul’s Arrest Streaming VF 1988 Regarder Film Streaming VF Complet HD En Vostfr

Movies Detail of The Night of Bakiza and Zaghloul’s Arrest (1988)

✓ Title : The Night of Bakiza and Zaghloul’s Arrest
✓ Original Title : ليلة القبض على بكيزة وزغلول
✓ Release Date : May 16th, 1988
✓ Genres : Comedy, Adventure
✓ Runtime : 120 minutes
✓ Directors : Mohamed Abdel Aziz, Emad Abdel Azim
✓ Writer : Esaad Younes
✓ Company : أفلام صوت الفن - soutelfan
✓ Country : Egypt
✓ Cast : Soheir El Bably, Ahmed Rateb, Esaad Younes, Youssef Chaban, Osama Abbas, Wahid Seif, Waheid Seif

Synopsis of The Night of Bakiza and Zaghloul’s Arrest (1988)

Two women living together facing the troubles of life, clash with a foreign criminal organization that seeks to assassinate a political figure living in Egypt.

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Well, The Night of Bakiza and Zaghloul’s Arrest (1988) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Night of Bakiza and Zaghloul’s Arrest (1988) itselft directed by Mohamed Abdel Aziz, Emad Abdel Azim and Starring by Soheir El Bably, Ahmed Rateb, Esaad Younes, Youssef Chaban, Osama Abbas, Wahid Seif, Waheid Seif which made The Night of Bakiza and Zaghloul’s Arrest (1988) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Night of Bakiza and Zaghloul’s Arrest (1988)

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