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Regarder Fliegende Fische müssen ins Meer 2011 Film complet 720p

Movies Detail of Fliegende Fische müssen ins Meer (2011)

✓ Title : Fliegende Fische müssen ins Meer
✓ Release Date : May 19th, 2011
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 84 minutes
✓ Director : Güzin Kar
✓ Writer : Güzin Kar
✓ Companies : Neue Bioskop Film, Vega Film
✓ Countries : Germany, Switzerland
✓ Cast : Alia Duncan, Joseph Sunkler, Meret Becker, Andreas Matti, Barnaby Metschurat, Mona Petri, Elisa Schlott, Annette Corti, Hanspeter Müller, Isabella Schmid

Synopsis of Fliegende Fische müssen ins Meer (2011)

A single mother of three children lives a chaotic and not very wealthy life in which her oldest daughter tries to manage everything and wants to find a decent guy for her mum.

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Well, Fliegende Fische müssen ins Meer (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Fliegende Fische müssen ins Meer (2011) itselft directed by Güzin Kar and Starring by Alia Duncan, Joseph Sunkler, Meret Becker, Andreas Matti, Barnaby Metschurat, Mona Petri, Elisa Schlott, Annette Corti, Hanspeter Müller, Isabella Schmid which made Fliegende Fische müssen ins Meer (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Fliegende Fische müssen ins Meer (2011)

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