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Emma's Shadow 1988 WEB-DL H264 AC3-EVO

Movies Detail of Emma's Shadow (1988)

✓ Title : Emma's Shadow
✓ Original Title : Skyggen af Emma
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1988
✓ Genres : Drama, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Director : Søren Kragh-Jacobsen
✓ Writers : Søren Kragh-Jacobsen, Åke Sandgren, Rumle Hammerich, Flemming Quist Møller, Hans Kragh-Jacobsen, Kirsten Bonnén Rask, Jörn O. Jensen
✓ Company : Metronome Productions
✓ Country : Denmark
✓ Cast : Henrik Larsen, Börje Ahlstedt, Sanne Grangaard, Line Kruse, Lene Vasegaard, Ulla Henningsen, Ken Vedsegaard, Bent N. Steinert, Otto Brandenburg, Inge Sofie Skovbo

Synopsis of Emma's Shadow (1988)

Emma (Line Kruse) is an eleven year-old only child from a wealthy Danish family. Emma's parents seem more interested in their own interests than in her. One evening when Emma overhears her mother talking about how tragic it must be to have your child kidnapped, Emma decides to stage her own kidnapping. She soon meets Malthe, a kind-hearted, child-like, naïve sewer cleaner who literally stumbles on to her. She convinces Malthe that she is a Russian princess whose family is being chased by Bolsheviks, so Malthe lets Emma stay with him in his very modest abode. After being "kidnapped" for a few days, Emma decides to return home. But, just as she is about to return, she overhears a couple of servants talking about how her parents don't seem to be very upset over her dilemma....

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Well, Emma's Shadow (1988) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Emma's Shadow (1988) itselft directed by Søren Kragh-Jacobsen and Starring by Henrik Larsen, Börje Ahlstedt, Sanne Grangaard, Line Kruse, Lene Vasegaard, Ulla Henningsen, Ken Vedsegaard, Bent N. Steinert, Otto Brandenburg, Inge Sofie Skovbo which made Emma's Shadow (1988) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Emma's Shadow (1988)

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