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Regarder The Killer Is One of Thirteen Streaming VF Complet en Film FR 1973

Movies Detail of The Killer Is One of Thirteen (1973)

✓ Title : The Killer Is One of Thirteen
✓ Original Title : El asesino está entre los trece
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1973
✓ Genres : Mystery, Horror, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Directors : Javier Aguirre, Juan Antonio Arévalo
✓ Writers : Javier Aguirre, Alberto S. Insúa
✓ Companies : Producciones Internacionales Cinematográficas Asociadas (PICASA), Belén Films
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Doris Coll, José María Prada, Jack Taylor, Simón Andreu, Dyanik Zurakowska, Trini Alonso, Paul Naschy, Ramiro Oliveros, Alberto Fernández, Patty Shepard

Synopsis of The Killer Is One of Thirteen (1973)

A recent widow has invited a group of family friends to her large and secluded country home. However, what the guests don't know is that the reason they've been assembled is that their host suspects one of them might be her husband's killer and she's intent on uncovering the identity of his murderer. As the guests begin to suspect each other, revealing long-kept and sinister secrets in the process, an unknown, black-gloved killer begins bumping them off in a variety of nasty ways.

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Well, The Killer Is One of Thirteen (1973) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Killer Is One of Thirteen (1973) itselft directed by Javier Aguirre, Juan Antonio Arévalo and Starring by Doris Coll, José María Prada, Jack Taylor, Simón Andreu, Dyanik Zurakowska, Trini Alonso, Paul Naschy, Ramiro Oliveros, Alberto Fernández, Patty Shepard which made The Killer Is One of Thirteen (1973) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Killer Is One of Thirteen (1973)

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