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Lucker the Necrophagous 1986 Film complet to Voir

Movies Detail of Lucker the Necrophagous (1986)

✓ Title : Lucker the Necrophagous
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1986
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 74 minutes
✓ Directors : Johan Vandewoestijne, Emmanuel Decoster
✓ Writers : Johan Vandewoestijne, Johan Vandewoestijne, John Kupferschmidt
✓ Companies : Desert Productions, V.D.S. Films
✓ Country : Belgium
✓ Cast : Martine Scherre, Let Jotts, John Edwards, Veerle Dendooven, Helga Vandevelde, Marie Claes, Frans Schepens, Nick Van Suyt, Tony Castillo, Carry Van Middel

Synopsis of Lucker the Necrophagous (1986)

John Lucker is a serial rapist/murderer with a necrophilia fetish. Eight years ago, he went on a killing spree that took eight victims, until he was finally caught and institutionalized. Now he's been put in a private clinic after attempting suicide during a mental hospital transfer. He awakens from his drugged state to kill his two nurses, and then heads in for the town. When he hears on the news that one of his victims, Cathy Jordan had survived his rampage eight years ago, he becomes furious, and that rage becomes infested as a physical psychosis that can only be relieved by killing more women as he heads to kill his survivor. One the corpses he keeps to "commit the deed" with a week later before returning on his search for Cathy. He kills one woman and captures another on the way, and then finds Cathy. He psychologically torments both women, but Cathy is able to get away. Lucker, now furious, heads off to settle the score once and for all...

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Well, Lucker the Necrophagous (1986) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Lucker the Necrophagous (1986) itselft directed by Johan Vandewoestijne, Emmanuel Decoster and Starring by Martine Scherre, Let Jotts, John Edwards, Veerle Dendooven, Helga Vandevelde, Marie Claes, Frans Schepens, Nick Van Suyt, Tony Castillo, Carry Van Middel which made Lucker the Necrophagous (1986) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Lucker the Necrophagous (1986)

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