Movies Detail of Unknown Soldier (2017)
✓ Title : Unknown Soldier
✓ Original Title : Tuntematon sotilas
✓ Release Date : October 27th, 2017
✓ Genres : Drama, War
✓ Runtime : 179 minutes
✓ Directors : Aku Louhimies, Joona Mielonen, Eemeli Louhimies, Iiris Juutilainen, Akseli Kouki, Timo Lahtinen, Aino Niemi, Tuula Nikkola
✓ Writers : Aku Louhimies, Jari Rantala, Väinö Linna
✓ Companies : SCOPE Pictures, Elokuvaosakeyhtiö Suomi 2017, Kvikmyndafélag Íslands
✓ Countries : Iceland, Finland, Belgium
✓ Cast : Jussi Vatanen, Hannes Suominen, Aku Hirviniemi, Eero Aho, Arttu Kapulainen, Juho Milonoff, Johannes Holopainen, Samuli Vauramo, Paula Vesala, Joonas Saartamo
✓ Original Title : Tuntematon sotilas
✓ Release Date : October 27th, 2017
✓ Genres : Drama, War
✓ Runtime : 179 minutes
✓ Directors : Aku Louhimies, Joona Mielonen, Eemeli Louhimies, Iiris Juutilainen, Akseli Kouki, Timo Lahtinen, Aino Niemi, Tuula Nikkola
✓ Writers : Aku Louhimies, Jari Rantala, Väinö Linna
✓ Companies : SCOPE Pictures, Elokuvaosakeyhtiö Suomi 2017, Kvikmyndafélag Íslands
✓ Countries : Iceland, Finland, Belgium
✓ Cast : Jussi Vatanen, Hannes Suominen, Aku Hirviniemi, Eero Aho, Arttu Kapulainen, Juho Milonoff, Johannes Holopainen, Samuli Vauramo, Paula Vesala, Joonas Saartamo
Synopsis of Unknown Soldier (2017)
The film follows Finnish army machine gun company in Continuation War against Soviet Union, 1941–1944. Based on Väinö Linna's best selling novel Tuntematon Sotilas (The Unknown Soldier) and the novel's uncensored version, Sotaromaani (A War Novel).
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Well, Unknown Soldier (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Unknown Soldier (2017) itselft directed by Aku Louhimies, Joona Mielonen, Eemeli Louhimies, Iiris Juutilainen, Akseli Kouki, Timo Lahtinen, Aino Niemi, Tuula Nikkola and Starring by Jussi Vatanen, Hannes Suominen, Aku Hirviniemi, Eero Aho, Arttu Kapulainen, Juho Milonoff, Johannes Holopainen, Samuli Vauramo, Paula Vesala, Joonas Saartamo which made Unknown Soldier (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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