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Movies Detail of Angry Indian Goddesses (2015)

✓ Title : Angry Indian Goddesses
✓ Release Date : September 18th, 2015
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 115 minutes
✓ Director : Pan Nalin
✓ Writers : Dilip Shankar, Pan Nalin, Subhadra Mahajan, Arsala Qureishi
✓ Companies : Protein Entertainment, Jungle Book Entertainment, One Two Films
✓ Countries : Germany, India
✓ Cast : Arjun Mathur, Sandhya Mridul, Rajshri Deshpande, Pavleen Gujral, Sarah-Jane Dias, Amrit Maghera, Anushka Manchanda, Anuj Choudhry, Tannishtha Chatterjee, Jeffrey Goldberg

Synopsis of Angry Indian Goddesses (2015)

Frieda, a fashioncommercial photographer trying to find her own art, gathers her closest girlfriends from all over India to travel to Goa for a surprise announcement: she’s getting married! Thus begins an impromptu bachelorette celebration that lasts for a full week. A riotous roller-coaster ride of girl bonding; friendships, break ups, make ups, fuck ups, passion, devastation, hesitation, terrorization and self realization. Amidst the fun and frenzy, heartbreak and heartache, passion and obsession, youth and innocence, secrets tumble out, tensions emerge, bonds are formed and emotions run high. Soon events will take a more serious turn, but for the moment these women are determined to seize the day.

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Well, Angry Indian Goddesses (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Angry Indian Goddesses (2015) itselft directed by Pan Nalin and Starring by Arjun Mathur, Sandhya Mridul, Rajshri Deshpande, Pavleen Gujral, Sarah-Jane Dias, Amrit Maghera, Anushka Manchanda, Anuj Choudhry, Tannishtha Chatterjee, Jeffrey Goldberg which made Angry Indian Goddesses (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Angry Indian Goddesses (2015)

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