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All for One 2011 Film complet putlockers

Movies Detail of All for One (2011)

✓ Title : All for One
✓ Original Title : Alle for én
✓ Release Date : February 10th, 2011
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 82 minutes
✓ Director : Rasmus Heide
✓ Writer : Mick Øgendahl
✓ Company : Fridthjof Film
✓ Country : Denmark
✓ Cast : Rasmus Bjerg, Charlotte Fich, Jon Lange, Jonatan Spang, Rutger Hauer, Søren Vejby, Kurt Ravn, Mick Øgendahl, Søren Malling, Lisa Werlinder

Synopsis of All for One (2011)

Four rogues, who were best friends as kids, have one big problem: they're sitting on both sides of the law. Martin is a policeman, while Nikolai, Ralf, and Timo can't distinguish between personal possessions and the possessions of others! When all four find themselves in a fix, they're forced to return to their former tricks against a common foe, Mr Niemeyer. Martin is not as successful, however, either at his job or marriage, and thinks he deserves a better life. Now he sees an opportunity to save his career by "playing" with his old friends on a mission that is so crazy that even the two foolish brothers can do some good.

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Well, All for One (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The All for One (2011) itselft directed by Rasmus Heide and Starring by Rasmus Bjerg, Charlotte Fich, Jon Lange, Jonatan Spang, Rutger Hauer, Søren Vejby, Kurt Ravn, Mick Øgendahl, Søren Malling, Lisa Werlinder which made All for One (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

All for One (2011)

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