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Movies Detail of Koko-di Koko-da (2019)

✓ Title : Koko-di Koko-da
✓ Release Date : August 23rd, 2019
✓ Genres : Horror, Comedy, Fantasy
✓ Runtime : 86 minutes
✓ Director : Johannes Nyholm
✓ Writer : Johannes Nyholm
✓ Companies : Beofilm, Film i Väst, Johannes Nyholm Produktion, Den Vestdanske Filmpulje, SVT, Svenska Filminstitutet, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee
✓ Countries : Denmark, Sweden
✓ Cast : Brandy Litmanen, Ylva Gallon, Leif Edlund, Morad Baloo Khatchadorian, Katarina Jacobson, Peter Belli

Synopsis of Koko-di Koko-da (2019)

As a couple goes on a trip to find their way back to each other, a sideshow artist and his shady entourage emerge from the woods, terrorizing them, luring them deeper into a maelstrom of psychological terror and humiliating slapstick.

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Well, Koko-di Koko-da (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Koko-di Koko-da (2019) itselft directed by Johannes Nyholm and Starring by Brandy Litmanen, Ylva Gallon, Leif Edlund, Morad Baloo Khatchadorian, Katarina Jacobson, Peter Belli which made Koko-di Koko-da (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Koko-di Koko-da (2019)

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