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Secret November Pelicula COMPLETA EN AUDIO LATINO

Movies Detail of Secret November (2002)

✓ Title : Secret November
✓ Original Title : Το Μυστικό του Νοέμβρη
✓ Release Date : April 4th, 2002
✓ Genres : Crime, Action, Drama
✓ Runtime : 114 minutes
✓ Director : Τάκης Παπαγιαννίδης
✓ Writers : Μίμης Ανδρουλάκης, Αλέξανδρος Κακαβάς
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Athina Maximou, Renos Haralambidis, Dimitris Alexandris, Paschalis Tsarouhas, Maria Lekaki, George Dialegmenos

Synopsis of Secret November (2002)

O businessman Michael Syrianos, convicted for economic crimes, is released suddenly. He maintains that he is innocent. He proposes to the prosecutor Dimitriou who recommended his conviction, to reopen the case in exchange for leading him to SECRET NOVEMBER, organization assassinated predecessor prosecutor. The prosecutor is obliged to cooperate with the interweaving and interlocking. But as the investigation proceeds the more annoying it is for some. Where it does not pay the bribe, terrorism act. The Syrianos while raising economic demands by the group VOX, where he was CEO. The cycle opens.

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Well, Secret November (2002) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Secret November (2002) itselft directed by Τάκης Παπαγιαννίδης and Starring by Athina Maximou, Renos Haralambidis, Dimitris Alexandris, Paschalis Tsarouhas, Maria Lekaki, George Dialegmenos which made Secret November (2002) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Secret November (2002)

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