Movies Detail of Love Trip (2001)
✓ Title : Love Trip
✓ Original Title : رحلة حب
✓ Release Date : December 15th, 2001
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama, Music
✓ Runtime : 128 minutes
✓ Director : Mohamed El-Naggar
✓ Writers : Mohamed Fouad, Ahmed El-Beih
✓ Country : Egypt
✓ Cast : Nashoua Mostafa, Mai Ezz Eldein, Abdalah Mishrif, Mohamed Fouad, Ahmed Saeed Abdel-Ghany, Nadia Ezzat, Ahmed Helmy, Gamil Ratib, Ahmed Akl
✓ Original Title : رحلة حب
✓ Release Date : December 15th, 2001
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama, Music
✓ Runtime : 128 minutes
✓ Director : Mohamed El-Naggar
✓ Writers : Mohamed Fouad, Ahmed El-Beih
✓ Country : Egypt
✓ Cast : Nashoua Mostafa, Mai Ezz Eldein, Abdalah Mishrif, Mohamed Fouad, Ahmed Saeed Abdel-Ghany, Nadia Ezzat, Ahmed Helmy, Gamil Ratib, Ahmed Akl
Synopsis of Love Trip (2001)
Two orphan teachers graduate from one of the shelters in Alexandria heading to Cairo to work in one of the primary schools.
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Well, Love Trip (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Love Trip (2001) itselft directed by Mohamed El-Naggar and Starring by Nashoua Mostafa, Mai Ezz Eldein, Abdalah Mishrif, Mohamed Fouad, Ahmed Saeed Abdel-Ghany, Nadia Ezzat, Ahmed Helmy, Gamil Ratib, Ahmed Akl which made Love Trip (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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