Movies Detail of Dogs Don't Wear Pants (2019)
✓ Title : Dogs Don't Wear Pants
✓ Original Title : Koirat eivät käytä housuja
✓ Release Date : November 1st, 2019
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Directors : J-P Valkeapää, Laura Melke, Katrīna Tomašicka, Gatis Ungurs, Kristaps Krūmiņš, Jared Flame Herbohn
✓ Writers : J-P Valkeapää, Juhana Lumme, Juhana Lumme
✓ Companies : Helsinki Filmi, Tasse Film
✓ Countries : Finland, Latvia
✓ Cast : Oona Airola, Krista Kosonen, Armands Reinis, Ester Geislerová, Jani Volanen, Iiris Anttila, Pekka Strang, Samuel Shipway, Ellen Karppo, Ilona Huhta
✓ Original Title : Koirat eivät käytä housuja
✓ Release Date : November 1st, 2019
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Directors : J-P Valkeapää, Laura Melke, Katrīna Tomašicka, Gatis Ungurs, Kristaps Krūmiņš, Jared Flame Herbohn
✓ Writers : J-P Valkeapää, Juhana Lumme, Juhana Lumme
✓ Companies : Helsinki Filmi, Tasse Film
✓ Countries : Finland, Latvia
✓ Cast : Oona Airola, Krista Kosonen, Armands Reinis, Ester Geislerová, Jani Volanen, Iiris Anttila, Pekka Strang, Samuel Shipway, Ellen Karppo, Ilona Huhta
Synopsis of Dogs Don't Wear Pants (2019)
Juha has lost his wife in an accident. Years after, he still feels numb and unable to connect with people. Meeting Mona, a dominatrix, changes everything.
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Well, Dogs Don't Wear Pants (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Dogs Don't Wear Pants (2019) itselft directed by J-P Valkeapää, Laura Melke, Katrīna Tomašicka, Gatis Ungurs, Kristaps Krūmiņš, Jared Flame Herbohn and Starring by Oona Airola, Krista Kosonen, Armands Reinis, Ester Geislerová, Jani Volanen, Iiris Anttila, Pekka Strang, Samuel Shipway, Ellen Karppo, Ilona Huhta which made Dogs Don't Wear Pants (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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