Movies Detail of Beatriz (2015)
✓ Title : Beatriz
✓ Release Date : October 4th, 2015
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : Alberto Graça
✓ Writers : Marcos Bernstein, José de Carvalho, José Pedro dos Santos, Alberto Graça, Ricardo Bravo
✓ Countries : Brazil, Portugal
✓ Cast : José Barato, Carla Bolito, Beatriz Batarda, Hugo Franco, Margarida Marinho, Xavier Estévez, Lua Testa, Sérgio Guizé, Marjorie Estiano, Gustavo Vargas
✓ Release Date : October 4th, 2015
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : Alberto Graça
✓ Writers : Marcos Bernstein, José de Carvalho, José Pedro dos Santos, Alberto Graça, Ricardo Bravo
✓ Countries : Brazil, Portugal
✓ Cast : José Barato, Carla Bolito, Beatriz Batarda, Hugo Franco, Margarida Marinho, Xavier Estévez, Lua Testa, Sérgio Guizé, Marjorie Estiano, Gustavo Vargas
Synopsis of Beatriz (2015)
In Lisbon, Marcelo writes a novel, using the life of his own wife, Beatriz, as the main inspiration to the story. The creative process of the book takes a dangerous path, ultimately compromising the love they feel for each other.
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Well, Beatriz (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Beatriz (2015) itselft directed by Alberto Graça and Starring by José Barato, Carla Bolito, Beatriz Batarda, Hugo Franco, Margarida Marinho, Xavier Estévez, Lua Testa, Sérgio Guizé, Marjorie Estiano, Gustavo Vargas which made Beatriz (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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