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SamSam 2020 WEB-DL H264 AC3-EVO

Movies Detail of SamSam (2020)

✓ Title : SamSam
✓ Release Date : February 5th, 2020
✓ Genres : Animation, Family
✓ Runtime : 77 minutes
✓ Director : Tanguy de Kermel
✓ Writers : Serge Bloch, Jean Regnaud, Valérie Magis
✓ Companies : France 3 Cinéma, Mac Guff Ligne, Pictanovo, StudioCanal, RTBF
✓ Countries : Belgium, France
✓ Cast : Isaac Lobé-Lebel, Sébastien Desjours, Jérémy Prevost, Victoire Pauwels, Léopold Vom Dorp, Philippe Spiteri, Laurent Maurel, Lior Chabbat, Léovanie Raud, Marie-Eugénie Maréchal

Synopsis of SamSam (2020)

SamSam, the smallest of the great heroes, has still not discovered his first superpower, while at home and at school, everyone has one! Faced with the worry of his parents and the mockery of his comrades, he goes in search of this hidden power. With the help of Mega, the new mysterious student of his school, Samsam embarks on this adventure full of cosmic monsters ...

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Well, SamSam (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The SamSam (2020) itselft directed by Tanguy de Kermel and Starring by Isaac Lobé-Lebel, Sébastien Desjours, Jérémy Prevost, Victoire Pauwels, Léopold Vom Dorp, Philippe Spiteri, Laurent Maurel, Lior Chabbat, Léovanie Raud, Marie-Eugénie Maréchal which made SamSam (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

SamSam (2020)

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