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Raise Your Hands, Dead Man, You're Under Arrest 1971 Film français Film complet Streaming En ligne

Movies Detail of Raise Your Hands, Dead Man, You're Under Arrest (1971)

✓ Title : Raise Your Hands, Dead Man, You're Under Arrest
✓ Original Title : Su le mani, cadavere! Sei in arresto
✓ Release Date : December 17th, 1971
✓ Genres : Action, Romance, Western
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Directors : León Klimovsky, Sergio Bergonzelli
✓ Writers : Sergio Bergonzelli, Enrico Zuccarini, Enrico Zuccarini, José Luis Navarro
✓ Companies : Sara Films, Dauro Films
✓ Countries : Italy, Spain
✓ Cast : Peter Lee Lawrence, Aurora de Alba, Aldo Sambrell, Franco Agostino, Lorenzo Robledo, Luis Barboo, José Canalejas, Tomás Blanco, Espartaco Santoni, Helga Liné

Synopsis of Raise Your Hands, Dead Man, You're Under Arrest (1971)

Sando Kid is a medic on the battlefields of the civil war and a pacifist. One day he witnesses Yankee captain Grayton ruthlessly killing wounded and unarmed soldiers. He manages to survive thanks to the help of a friend and learns how to use a gun. From now on, he will sign up to the rangers and hunt down bandits. He soon crosses paths with Grayton again, who now has become a ruthless business man, trying to rob farmers of their land. Together with his henchmen, Grayton might be more than Sando Kid can handle, if it wasn't for Dollar, a black-clad bounty hunter who likes to wear a chain of teeth around his neck, and really likes the Kid.

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Well, Raise Your Hands, Dead Man, You're Under Arrest (1971) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Raise Your Hands, Dead Man, You're Under Arrest (1971) itselft directed by León Klimovsky, Sergio Bergonzelli and Starring by Peter Lee Lawrence, Aurora de Alba, Aldo Sambrell, Franco Agostino, Lorenzo Robledo, Luis Barboo, José Canalejas, Tomás Blanco, Espartaco Santoni, Helga Liné which made Raise Your Hands, Dead Man, You're Under Arrest (1971) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Raise Your Hands, Dead Man, You're Under Arrest (1971)

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