Movies Detail of Shadows in the Dark (1999)
✓ Title : Shadows in the Dark
✓ Original Title : Karvaan
✓ Release Date : September 21st, 1999
✓ Director : Pankaj Butalia
✓ Writer : Pankaj Butalia
✓ Companies : JBA Production, Vital Films, National Film Development Corporation of India
✓ Countries : France, India
✓ Cast : Naseeruddin Shah, Mandakini Goswami, Kitu Gidwani, Loveleen Tandan, Subrat Dutta
✓ Original Title : Karvaan
✓ Release Date : September 21st, 1999
✓ Director : Pankaj Butalia
✓ Writer : Pankaj Butalia
✓ Companies : JBA Production, Vital Films, National Film Development Corporation of India
✓ Countries : France, India
✓ Cast : Naseeruddin Shah, Mandakini Goswami, Kitu Gidwani, Loveleen Tandan, Subrat Dutta
Synopsis of Shadows in the Dark (1999)
Young filmmaker Pankaj Butalia directs this sweeping film about ill-fated love set against the epic canvas of India's partition into Hindu Indian and Muslim Pakistan. The film opens with Lajma, a beautiful school teacher with greying hair, leaving Pakistan for her childhood home in India. There she discovers that the home is in ruin, her aging aunt is half senile, and her cousin Gautam is bitter and defeated. Flashback to 1947 when India splits in two -- the police force a proud old Muslim man, along with his grieving daughter-in-law, to take in a couple of impoverished Hindus, Chand and Bhagwati, into their large home. Later, Chand's mute sister Lajjo arrives with her young daughter Lajma in tow. Suffering from some unnamed past trauma, Lajjo is eventually shipped off to an asylum, leaving Lajma with her uncle. Later still, Lajma, Chand's son Gautam and their neighbor's son Jamal all live and play with each other in Chand's vast complex.
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Well, Shadows in the Dark (1999) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Shadows in the Dark (1999) itselft directed by Pankaj Butalia and Starring by Naseeruddin Shah, Mandakini Goswami, Kitu Gidwani, Loveleen Tandan, Subrat Dutta which made Shadows in the Dark (1999) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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