Movies Detail of 22 July (2018)
✓ Title : 22 July
✓ Release Date : October 5th, 2018
✓ Genres : History, Drama, Thriller, Crime
✓ Runtime : 143 minutes
✓ Directors : Paul Greengrass, Chris Carreras
✓ Writers : Paul Greengrass, Åsne Seierstad
✓ Company : Scott Rudin Productions
✓ Countries : United States of America, Iceland, Norway
✓ Cast : Ola G. Furuseth, Maria Bock, Anders Danielsen Lie, Seda Witt, Jonas Strand Gravli, Jon Øigarden, Isak Bakli Aglen, Øystein Martinsen, Marit Andreassen, Thorbjørn Harr
✓ Release Date : October 5th, 2018
✓ Genres : History, Drama, Thriller, Crime
✓ Runtime : 143 minutes
✓ Directors : Paul Greengrass, Chris Carreras
✓ Writers : Paul Greengrass, Åsne Seierstad
✓ Company : Scott Rudin Productions
✓ Countries : United States of America, Iceland, Norway
✓ Cast : Ola G. Furuseth, Maria Bock, Anders Danielsen Lie, Seda Witt, Jonas Strand Gravli, Jon Øigarden, Isak Bakli Aglen, Øystein Martinsen, Marit Andreassen, Thorbjørn Harr
Synopsis of 22 July (2018)
In Norway on 22 July 2011, right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik murdered 77 young people attending a Labour Party Youth Camp on Utöya Island outside of Oslo. This three-part story will focus on the survivors of the attacks, the political leadership of Norway, and the lawyers involved.
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Well, 22 July (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The 22 July (2018) itselft directed by Paul Greengrass, Chris Carreras and Starring by Ola G. Furuseth, Maria Bock, Anders Danielsen Lie, Seda Witt, Jonas Strand Gravli, Jon Øigarden, Isak Bakli Aglen, Øystein Martinsen, Marit Andreassen, Thorbjørn Harr which made 22 July (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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◈ 22 July Chanel 2018 Peliculacompleta En Español - Paranoid fiction is works of literature that explore the subjective nature of reality and how it can be manipulated by forces in power. These forces can be external, such as a totalitarian government, or they can be internal, such as a characters mental illness or refusal to accept the harshness of the world they are in.
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