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Movies Detail of Waru (2017)

✓ Title : Waru
✓ Release Date : October 19th, 2017
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 88 minutes
✓ Directors : Ainsley Gardiner, Katie Wolfe, Briar Grace Smith, Paula Whetu Jones, Casey Kaa, Chelsea Cohen, Renae Maihi, Awanui Simich-Pene
✓ Writers : Ainsley Gardiner, Katie Wolfe, Briar Grace Smith, Paula Whetu Jones, Casey Kaa, Chelsea Cohen, Renae Maihi, Josephine Stewart-Te Whiu
✓ Company : Brown Sugar Apple Grunt
✓ Country : New Zealand
✓ Cast : Kararaina Rangihau, Acacia Hapi, Tanea Heke, Ngapaki Moetara, Roimata Fox, Antonio Te Maioha, Awhina-Rose Ashby, Miriama McDowell, Maria Walker, Merehaka Maaka

Synopsis of Waru (2017)

Eight Māori female directors have each contributed a sequence to this powerful and challenging feature which unfolds around the tangi of a small boy who died at the hands of his caregiver.

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Well, Waru (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Waru (2017) itselft directed by Ainsley Gardiner, Katie Wolfe, Briar Grace Smith, Paula Whetu Jones, Casey Kaa, Chelsea Cohen, Renae Maihi, Awanui Simich-Pene and Starring by Kararaina Rangihau, Acacia Hapi, Tanea Heke, Ngapaki Moetara, Roimata Fox, Antonio Te Maioha, Awhina-Rose Ashby, Miriama McDowell, Maria Walker, Merehaka Maaka which made Waru (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Waru (2017)

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