Movies Detail of El río de oro (1986)
✓ Title : El río de oro
✓ Release Date : February 27th, 1986
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 111 minutes
✓ Director : Jaime Chávarri
✓ Writer : Jaime Chávarri
✓ Companies : Tesauro S.A., fedral films international, marea filmproduktion
✓ Countries : Spain, Switzerland
✓ Cast : Francesca Annis, Carolyn Norris, Bruno Ganz, Nur Al Levi, Nacho Rodríguez, Ángela Molina, Juan Diego Botto, Stefan Gubser
✓ Release Date : February 27th, 1986
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 111 minutes
✓ Director : Jaime Chávarri
✓ Writer : Jaime Chávarri
✓ Companies : Tesauro S.A., fedral films international, marea filmproduktion
✓ Countries : Spain, Switzerland
✓ Cast : Francesca Annis, Carolyn Norris, Bruno Ganz, Nur Al Levi, Nacho Rodríguez, Ángela Molina, Juan Diego Botto, Stefan Gubser
Synopsis of El río de oro (1986)
During a long summer, the tranquility of a couple and their three children resting in a country house is altered with the arrival of the children's uncle, a character who exerts a curious influence on the boys and a morbid and strange attraction the wife. Twelve years after 'Los viajes escolares' (1973), his first commercial feature film, the Madrid director Jaime Chávarri returns to the same estate in the province of Segovia to shoot a new family story, about his own plot and script. Like its predecessor, 'The Golden River' contains a strong autobiographical charge and is full of personal resonances. But this new history of family ties is narrated from a perspective in which adultery manifests itself openly. Endowed with a slow narrative rhythm, the film presents an international cast headed by Ángela Molina, Bruno Ganz, Francesca Annis and Stefan Gubser. The film also has the presence of a very young Juan Diego Botto, in one of his first appearances on the big screen.
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Well, El río de oro (1986) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The El río de oro (1986) itselft directed by Jaime Chávarri and Starring by Francesca Annis, Carolyn Norris, Bruno Ganz, Nur Al Levi, Nacho Rodríguez, Ángela Molina, Juan Diego Botto, Stefan Gubser which made El río de oro (1986) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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