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Movies Detail of The Fencer (2015)

✓ Title : The Fencer
✓ Original Title : Vehkleja
✓ Release Date : March 13th, 2015
✓ Genres : Drama, History
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Directors : Klaus Härö, Triin Tenso, Jouni Mutanen, Triin Turu, Kadri Kask, Karin Martinson
✓ Writer : Anna Heinämaa
✓ Companies : Kick Film, Making Movies, Allfilm
✓ Countries : Germany, Estonia, Finland
✓ Cast : Kirill Käro, Märt Avandi, Egert Kadastu, Elbe Reiter, Ursula Ratasepp, Hendrik Toompere Jr., Joonas Koff, Liisa Koppel, Piret Kalda, Ann-Lisett Rebane

Synopsis of The Fencer (2015)

Fleeing from the Russian secret police, a young Estonian fencer is forced to return to his homeland, where he becomes a physical education teacher at a local school. The past however catches up and puts him in front of a difficult choice.

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Well, The Fencer (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Fencer (2015) itselft directed by Klaus Härö, Triin Tenso, Jouni Mutanen, Triin Turu, Kadri Kask, Karin Martinson and Starring by Kirill Käro, Märt Avandi, Egert Kadastu, Elbe Reiter, Ursula Ratasepp, Hendrik Toompere Jr., Joonas Koff, Liisa Koppel, Piret Kalda, Ann-Lisett Rebane which made The Fencer (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Fencer (2015)

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