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Miraklet i Viskan (Official Espanol) //Pelicula completa 4K ~Espanol [HD]

Movies Detail of Miraklet i Viskan (2015)

✓ Title : Miraklet i Viskan
✓ Release Date : April 17th, 2015
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 106 minutes
✓ Director : John Olsson
✓ Writer : John Olsson
✓ Companies : Giraff Film AB, Film i Västernorrland, Filmgården, Filmpool Nord, People In The Park Production, SVT
✓ Country : Sweden
✓ Cast : Lena Strömdahl, Michael Segerström, Ingvar Hirdwall, Lia Boysen, Mats Blomgren, Elisabet Carlsson, Marika Lindström, Evelina Alexandersson, Rolf Lassgård, Ivan Mathias Petersson

Synopsis of Miraklet i Viskan (2015)

Bjarne runs a moving company with his wife Malin, but it is shaky and they need to borrow money. Across the river lives Bjarnes father Halvar. The two have never pulled evenly, which stems from a 20-year conflict filled with idle words, grumpy pride and stubborn prestige. In order to rescue the firm Malin sees no alternative but to go across the river to ask Halvar to cater for the loan. A decision that will have unexpected consequences.

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Well, Miraklet i Viskan (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Miraklet i Viskan (2015) itselft directed by John Olsson and Starring by Lena Strömdahl, Michael Segerström, Ingvar Hirdwall, Lia Boysen, Mats Blomgren, Elisabet Carlsson, Marika Lindström, Evelina Alexandersson, Rolf Lassgård, Ivan Mathias Petersson which made Miraklet i Viskan (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Miraklet i Viskan (2015)

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