Movies Detail of The Great Maiden's Blush (2016)
✓ Title : The Great Maiden's Blush
✓ Release Date : May 5th, 2016
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 108 minutes
✓ Directors : Shane Loader, Andrea Bosshard
✓ Writer : Andrea Bosshard
✓ Company : Torchlight Productions
✓ Country : New Zealand
✓ Cast : Madeline McNamara, Renee Lyons, Carl Drake, Ian Lesa, K.C. Kelly, Barnie Duncan, Gavin Rutherford, George Fenn, Mirama McDowell
✓ Release Date : May 5th, 2016
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 108 minutes
✓ Directors : Shane Loader, Andrea Bosshard
✓ Writer : Andrea Bosshard
✓ Company : Torchlight Productions
✓ Country : New Zealand
✓ Cast : Madeline McNamara, Renee Lyons, Carl Drake, Ian Lesa, K.C. Kelly, Barnie Duncan, Gavin Rutherford, George Fenn, Mirama McDowell
Synopsis of The Great Maiden's Blush (2016)
Two first-time single mothers - on a girl racer, the other a pianist and gardener - share a post-natal ward room after the birth of their babies and develop a precarious friendship. As they face the challenges of new motherhood, they must confront their pasts and face the truth about their babies' fathers.
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Well, The Great Maiden's Blush (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Great Maiden's Blush (2016) itselft directed by Shane Loader, Andrea Bosshard and Starring by Madeline McNamara, Renee Lyons, Carl Drake, Ian Lesa, K.C. Kelly, Barnie Duncan, Gavin Rutherford, George Fenn, Mirama McDowell which made The Great Maiden's Blush (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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