Movies Detail of Ο Φαφλατάς (1971)
✓ Title : Ο Φαφλατάς
✓ Release Date : January 27th, 1971
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Director : Kostas Karagiannis
✓ Writers : Lakis Mihailidis, Dinos Dimopoulos
✓ Company : Karagiannis-Karatzopoulos
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Giorgos Papazisis, Ketty Panou, Giorgos Bartis, Rika Dialina, Labros Konstadaras, Maro Kodou, Dimitris Bislanis, Giorgos Moshidis, Giannis Fyrios, Mitsi Konstadara
✓ Release Date : January 27th, 1971
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Director : Kostas Karagiannis
✓ Writers : Lakis Mihailidis, Dinos Dimopoulos
✓ Company : Karagiannis-Karatzopoulos
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Giorgos Papazisis, Ketty Panou, Giorgos Bartis, Rika Dialina, Labros Konstadaras, Maro Kodou, Dimitris Bislanis, Giorgos Moshidis, Giannis Fyrios, Mitsi Konstadara
Synopsis of Ο Φαφλατάς (1971)
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Well, Ο Φαφλατάς (1971) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Ο Φαφλατάς (1971) itselft directed by Kostas Karagiannis and Starring by Giorgos Papazisis, Ketty Panou, Giorgos Bartis, Rika Dialina, Labros Konstadaras, Maro Kodou, Dimitris Bislanis, Giorgos Moshidis, Giannis Fyrios, Mitsi Konstadara which made Ο Φαφλατάς (1971) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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