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Movies Detail of Hijacked to Hell (1984)

✓ Title : Hijacked to Hell
✓ Original Title : Danger - Keine Zeit zum Sterben
✓ Release Date : November 30th, 1984
✓ Runtime : 81 minutes
✓ Director : Helmut Ashley
✓ Writers : Helmut Ashley, Günther Heller
✓ Companies : Rapi Films, Rapid Film, Lisa Film GmbH (München)
✓ Countries : Germany, Indonesia
✓ Cast : Zainal Abidin, Winfried Glatzeder, John Phillip Law, Grazyna Dylong, Christopher Mitchum, Eric Moss, Barry Prima, H.I.M. Damsyik, Horst Janson, Advent Bangun

Synopsis of Hijacked to Hell (1984)

Released directly to video, this action film features John Phillip Law as Ted Barner, a low-level employee of a corporation in Indonesia who is charged with testing a new laser weapon. Accompanied by an engineer who works for the corporation and a friend, Barner heads out to the test site with the laser in tow. Before the three can get very far, they must outrun an evil Texas industrialist who intends to grab the laser for himself. They are joined by a female reporter and end up at the site of the test, where their problems are just beginning.

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Well, Hijacked to Hell (1984) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Hijacked to Hell (1984) itselft directed by Helmut Ashley and Starring by Zainal Abidin, Winfried Glatzeder, John Phillip Law, Grazyna Dylong, Christopher Mitchum, Eric Moss, Barry Prima, H.I.M. Damsyik, Horst Janson, Advent Bangun which made Hijacked to Hell (1984) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Hijacked to Hell (1984)

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