Movies Detail of Human Resources (1999)
✓ Title : Human Resources
✓ Original Title : Ressources humaines
✓ Release Date : November 20th, 1999
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Directors : Laurent Cantet, Dominik Moll, Rafaele Ravinet-Virbel
✓ Writers : Laurent Cantet, Gilles Marchand
✓ Companies : PROCIREP, La Sept-Arte, Haut et Court, MEDIA Programme of the European Union, BBC Films, CNC
✓ Countries : France, United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Pascal Sémard, Chantal Barré, Véronique de Pandelaère, Lucien Longueville, Danielle Mélador, Michel Begnez, Jalil Lespert, Jean-Claude Vallod, Didier Emile-Woldemard, Françoise Boutigny
✓ Original Title : Ressources humaines
✓ Release Date : November 20th, 1999
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Directors : Laurent Cantet, Dominik Moll, Rafaele Ravinet-Virbel
✓ Writers : Laurent Cantet, Gilles Marchand
✓ Companies : PROCIREP, La Sept-Arte, Haut et Court, MEDIA Programme of the European Union, BBC Films, CNC
✓ Countries : France, United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Pascal Sémard, Chantal Barré, Véronique de Pandelaère, Lucien Longueville, Danielle Mélador, Michel Begnez, Jalil Lespert, Jean-Claude Vallod, Didier Emile-Woldemard, Françoise Boutigny
Synopsis of Human Resources (1999)
Set in Limoges, the movie tells the story of "good son" Franck (Jalil Lespert), who returns to his hometown to do a trainee managerial internship in the Human Resources department of the factory where his anxious, taciturn father has worked for 23 years.
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Well, Human Resources (1999) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Human Resources (1999) itselft directed by Laurent Cantet, Dominik Moll, Rafaele Ravinet-Virbel and Starring by Pascal Sémard, Chantal Barré, Véronique de Pandelaère, Lucien Longueville, Danielle Mélador, Michel Begnez, Jalil Lespert, Jean-Claude Vallod, Didier Emile-Woldemard, Françoise Boutigny which made Human Resources (1999) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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