Movies Detail of I'm Talking to You (2017)
✓ Title : I'm Talking to You
✓ Release Date : July 25th, 2017
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 83 minutes
✓ Directors : Thomas Quain, Sarah Lafferty
✓ Writer : Thomas Quain
✓ Company : Constant Motion Pictures
✓ Country : Ireland
✓ Cast : Stephen Doring, Stephen Murray, Nelly Henrion, Orla Gildea, Hugh Gormley, Robert O'Connor, Desmond Daly, Vinny McHale, Aidan Lawlor, Alice Stands
✓ Release Date : July 25th, 2017
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 83 minutes
✓ Directors : Thomas Quain, Sarah Lafferty
✓ Writer : Thomas Quain
✓ Company : Constant Motion Pictures
✓ Country : Ireland
✓ Cast : Stephen Doring, Stephen Murray, Nelly Henrion, Orla Gildea, Hugh Gormley, Robert O'Connor, Desmond Daly, Vinny McHale, Aidan Lawlor, Alice Stands
Synopsis of I'm Talking to You (2017)
Mark is a trainee Irish Guard who spends his day driving in circles around the M50. But when he discovers a pirate, propaganda radio signal it causes him to rethink his black and white understanding of society.
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Well, I'm Talking to You (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The I'm Talking to You (2017) itselft directed by Thomas Quain, Sarah Lafferty and Starring by Stephen Doring, Stephen Murray, Nelly Henrion, Orla Gildea, Hugh Gormley, Robert O'Connor, Desmond Daly, Vinny McHale, Aidan Lawlor, Alice Stands which made I'm Talking to You (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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