Movies Detail of Enough Praying (1972)
✓ Title : Enough Praying
✓ Original Title : Ya no basta con rezar
✓ Release Date : August 28th, 1972
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Directors : Jorge Durán, Aldo Francia
✓ Writers : Jorge Durán, Aldo Francia, Aldo Francia, José Román, Dario Marcotti
✓ Companies : Emelco Chilena, Cine Nuevo Viña del Mar
✓ Country : Chile
✓ Cast : Rubén Sotoconil, Roberto Navarrete, Leonardo Perucci, Gonzalo Palta, Tennyson Ferrada, Lucia Ibarra, Mónica Carrasco, Marcelo Romo, Claudia Paz, Arnoldo Berrios
✓ Original Title : Ya no basta con rezar
✓ Release Date : August 28th, 1972
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Directors : Jorge Durán, Aldo Francia
✓ Writers : Jorge Durán, Aldo Francia, Aldo Francia, José Román, Dario Marcotti
✓ Companies : Emelco Chilena, Cine Nuevo Viña del Mar
✓ Country : Chile
✓ Cast : Rubén Sotoconil, Roberto Navarrete, Leonardo Perucci, Gonzalo Palta, Tennyson Ferrada, Lucia Ibarra, Mónica Carrasco, Marcelo Romo, Claudia Paz, Arnoldo Berrios
Synopsis of Enough Praying (1972)
Many socially-concerned priests in Catholic Latin America have at some time left their parish churches to go and work in the fields and factories of the poor. Such priests, usually adherents of "liberation theology," are called "worker-priests." This Chilean film tells the story of how one man became a "worker-priest" and won the trust of the poor.
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Well, Enough Praying (1972) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Enough Praying (1972) itselft directed by Jorge Durán, Aldo Francia and Starring by Rubén Sotoconil, Roberto Navarrete, Leonardo Perucci, Gonzalo Palta, Tennyson Ferrada, Lucia Ibarra, Mónica Carrasco, Marcelo Romo, Claudia Paz, Arnoldo Berrios which made Enough Praying (1972) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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