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VOIR` Beyond the Road Streaming [VF] Complet en Francais`Film 2010

Movies Detail of Beyond the Road (2010)

✓ Title : Beyond the Road
✓ Original Title : Por el camino
✓ Release Date : September 24th, 2010
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : Charly Braun
✓ Writers : Charly Braun, Felipe Sholl
✓ Countries : Brazil, Uruguay
✓ Cast : Guilhermina Guinle, Gonzalo Torres, Jill Mulleady, Esteban Fuene de Colombi, Naomi Campbell

Synopsis of Beyond the Road (2010)

Santiago, a twenty-something Argentinean, takes a boat to Montevideo to claim land willed to him by his parents. On his way out of the capitol, he notices Juliette, a young Belgian woman who was also on the boat. After discovering they're heading in the same direction, the two travelers hit the road together.

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Well, Beyond the Road (2010) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Beyond the Road (2010) itselft directed by Charly Braun and Starring by Guilhermina Guinle, Gonzalo Torres, Jill Mulleady, Esteban Fuene de Colombi, Naomi Campbell which made Beyond the Road (2010) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Beyond the Road (2010)

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