Movies Detail of Under the Pyramid (2016)
✓ Title : Under the Pyramid
✓ Original Title : Under pyramiden
✓ Release Date : January 31st, 2016
✓ Genres : Thriller, Adventure, Drama
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Director : Axel Petersén
✓ Writer : Axel Petersén
✓ Companies : Idyll, Family Affair Films, Film i Väst
✓ Countries : Netherlands, Sweden
✓ Cast : Ali Cifteci, Kevin Vaz, Stine Fischer Christensen, Reine Brynolfsson, Léonore Ekstrand, Joel Spira, Johan Rabaeus, Philip Zandén, David Dastmalchian
✓ Original Title : Under pyramiden
✓ Release Date : January 31st, 2016
✓ Genres : Thriller, Adventure, Drama
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Director : Axel Petersén
✓ Writer : Axel Petersén
✓ Companies : Idyll, Family Affair Films, Film i Väst
✓ Countries : Netherlands, Sweden
✓ Cast : Ali Cifteci, Kevin Vaz, Stine Fischer Christensen, Reine Brynolfsson, Léonore Ekstrand, Joel Spira, Johan Rabaeus, Philip Zandén, David Dastmalchian
Synopsis of Under the Pyramid (2016)
Young art gallerist Katarina's dad suddenly goes missing. It turns out that her dad, a prominent art dealer, is kidnapped in Egypt by his former smuggle partner, who has been released due to the Arab spring. To save her father, Katarina has to find the hidden statue that the kidnapper demands as ransom.
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Well, Under the Pyramid (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Under the Pyramid (2016) itselft directed by Axel Petersén and Starring by Ali Cifteci, Kevin Vaz, Stine Fischer Christensen, Reine Brynolfsson, Léonore Ekstrand, Joel Spira, Johan Rabaeus, Philip Zandén, David Dastmalchian which made Under the Pyramid (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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◈ Under the Pyramid Trailer Not On Youtube - A crime story is about a crime that is being committed or was committed. It can also be an account of a criminals life. It often falls into the action or adventure genres.
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