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Repelis [4K] Caçada Sangrenta (1974) Film Pelicula Completa En Subsitulado [4K[1080p]

Movies Detail of Caçada Sangrenta (1974)

✓ Title : Caçada Sangrenta
✓ Release Date : May 12th, 1974
✓ Genres : Action, Adventure
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Director : Ozualdo Ribeiro Candeias
✓ Writer : Ozualdo Ribeiro Candeias
✓ Country : Brazil
✓ Cast : Walter Portella, Teresa Cristina, Heitor Gaiotti, Carmem Angélica, Evelize Oliver, Marlene França, Leon Cakoff, David Cardoso

Synopsis of Caçada Sangrenta (1974)

A sculptor, protected by a millionaire woman, becomes suspect of her murder. He flees to the country, where a violent pursuit takes place.

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Well, Caçada Sangrenta (1974) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Caçada Sangrenta (1974) itselft directed by Ozualdo Ribeiro Candeias and Starring by Walter Portella, Teresa Cristina, Heitor Gaiotti, Carmem Angélica, Evelize Oliver, Marlene França, Leon Cakoff, David Cardoso which made Caçada Sangrenta (1974) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Caçada Sangrenta (1974)

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