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Movies Detail of The Intruder (2017)

✓ Title : The Intruder
✓ Original Title : L'intrusa
✓ Release Date : May 22nd, 2017
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Director : Leonardo Di Costanzo
✓ Writers : Maurizio Braucci, Leonardo Di Costanzo, Bruno Oliviero
✓ Companies : Rai Cinema, Tempesta
✓ Countries : France, Italy, Switzerland
✓ Cast : Valentina Vannino, Anna Patierno, Flavio Rizzo, Raffaella Giordano, Martina Abbate

Synopsis of The Intruder (2017)

Naples. Present day. Giovanna, a combative 60-year-old social worker on the frontline of the daily war against pervasive criminality, is confronted, like a modern Antigone, with a moral dilemma that threatens to destroy her work and her life. Giovanna runs an after-school centre that takes care of underprivileged children; a grassroots alternative to the mafia dominance of the city. But one day, young Maria, wife of a ruthless Camorra criminal on the run, and her two children take refuge at the centre, and ask Giovanna for protection.

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Well, The Intruder (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Intruder (2017) itselft directed by Leonardo Di Costanzo and Starring by Valentina Vannino, Anna Patierno, Flavio Rizzo, Raffaella Giordano, Martina Abbate which made The Intruder (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Intruder (2017)

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