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The Eighth Day 1979 complet villain

Movies Detail of The Eighth Day (1979)

✓ Title : The Eighth Day
✓ Original Title : Den Åttonde dagen
✓ Release Date : January 13th, 1979
✓ Genres : Drama, Family
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Anders Grönros
✓ Writers : Anders Grönros, Rose Lagercrantz
✓ Company : Svensk Filmindustri
✓ Country : Sweden
✓ Cast : Mimmo Wåhlander, Lars Amble, Benny Fehér, Sten Johan Hedman, Susanna Rådö

Synopsis of The Eighth Day (1979)

Children as real human individuals with the difficulties this involves. Anna and Peiter are 11 years old. Peiter's parents are divorced. Only for one week a year does he live with his father, on the same island as Anna. The children have been friends for years. But this year (because of beginning puberty?) they have difficulty in getting in real touch. Day after day they fail. - Outside a café Peiter boasts that he can do everything. Anna tells him to fetch the thing she is thinking of. He goes inside, asks a guest to rise and brings his chair to Anna. This was indeed the right thing, and this chair will re-appear in other scenes. Another day Peiter boasts that he is not afraid of being locked up in a desolate tower for a few hours. Anna closes the lock on the outside. But her parents prevent her from going out again and Peiter remained alone in the tower for the entire night. -Finally all seven days have gone and the gap that prevented full contact is still not closed.

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Well, The Eighth Day (1979) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Eighth Day (1979) itselft directed by Anders Grönros and Starring by Mimmo Wåhlander, Lars Amble, Benny Fehér, Sten Johan Hedman, Susanna Rådö which made The Eighth Day (1979) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Eighth Day (1979)

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