Movies Detail of And The Oscar Goes To... (2019)
✓ Title : And The Oscar Goes To...
✓ Original Title : And The ഓസ്കാര് Goes To...
✓ Release Date : June 21st, 2019
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Director : Salim Ahamed
✓ Writer : Rafeeq Ahamed
✓ Company : Allens Media
✓ Country : India
✓ Cast : Jaffer Idukki, Nikki Rae Hallow, Sreenivasan, Salim Kumar, Sarath Kumar, Hareesh Perumanna, Siddique, Anu Sithara, Tovino Thomas, Lal
✓ Original Title : And The ഓസ്കാര് Goes To...
✓ Release Date : June 21st, 2019
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Director : Salim Ahamed
✓ Writer : Rafeeq Ahamed
✓ Company : Allens Media
✓ Country : India
✓ Cast : Jaffer Idukki, Nikki Rae Hallow, Sreenivasan, Salim Kumar, Sarath Kumar, Hareesh Perumanna, Siddique, Anu Sithara, Tovino Thomas, Lal
Synopsis of And The Oscar Goes To... (2019)
Isaak Ebrahim, a passionate and a struggling Indian filmmaker produces and directs his first movie which gets officially selected to the Oscars. Once nominated, Isaak gets to know about the hurdles and the unfriendly situations that can shatter his dream of winning the Oscar.
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Well, And The Oscar Goes To... (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The And The Oscar Goes To... (2019) itselft directed by Salim Ahamed and Starring by Jaffer Idukki, Nikki Rae Hallow, Sreenivasan, Salim Kumar, Sarath Kumar, Hareesh Perumanna, Siddique, Anu Sithara, Tovino Thomas, Lal which made And The Oscar Goes To... (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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