Movies Detail of Os Emissários de Khalom (1988)
✓ Title : Os Emissários de Khalom
✓ Release Date : March 10th, 1988
✓ Genres : Science Fiction, Drama
✓ Runtime : 108 minutes
✓ Director : António de Macedo
✓ Writer : António de Macedo
✓ Country : Portugal
✓ Cast : Manuel Coelho, Carlos Daniel, Guida Maria, Suzana Borges, Sinde Filipe, Joaquim Rosa, Mário Jacques, Rui Mendes, Silvina Pereira, Baptista Fernandes
✓ Release Date : March 10th, 1988
✓ Genres : Science Fiction, Drama
✓ Runtime : 108 minutes
✓ Director : António de Macedo
✓ Writer : António de Macedo
✓ Country : Portugal
✓ Cast : Manuel Coelho, Carlos Daniel, Guida Maria, Suzana Borges, Sinde Filipe, Joaquim Rosa, Mário Jacques, Rui Mendes, Silvina Pereira, Baptista Fernandes
Synopsis of Os Emissários de Khalom (1988)
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Well, Os Emissários de Khalom (1988) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Os Emissários de Khalom (1988) itselft directed by António de Macedo and Starring by Manuel Coelho, Carlos Daniel, Guida Maria, Suzana Borges, Sinde Filipe, Joaquim Rosa, Mário Jacques, Rui Mendes, Silvina Pereira, Baptista Fernandes which made Os Emissários de Khalom (1988) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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