Movies Detail of Me debes un muerto (1971)
✓ Title : Me debes un muerto
✓ Release Date : January 8th, 1971
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Directors : José Luis Sáenz de Heredia, Ricardo Sáenz de Heredia
✓ Writer : José Luis Sáenz de Heredia
✓ Company : Arturo González Producciones Cinematográficas S.A.
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : José Guardiola, Concha Velasco, María Luisa Ponte, Jesús Guzmán, Licia Calderón, Manolo Escobar, Antonio Garisa, Alicia Hermida, Roberto Camardiel, Agustín González
✓ Release Date : January 8th, 1971
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Directors : José Luis Sáenz de Heredia, Ricardo Sáenz de Heredia
✓ Writer : José Luis Sáenz de Heredia
✓ Company : Arturo González Producciones Cinematográficas S.A.
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : José Guardiola, Concha Velasco, María Luisa Ponte, Jesús Guzmán, Licia Calderón, Manolo Escobar, Antonio Garisa, Alicia Hermida, Roberto Camardiel, Agustín González
Synopsis of Me debes un muerto (1971)
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Well, Me debes un muerto (1971) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Me debes un muerto (1971) itselft directed by José Luis Sáenz de Heredia, Ricardo Sáenz de Heredia and Starring by José Guardiola, Concha Velasco, María Luisa Ponte, Jesús Guzmán, Licia Calderón, Manolo Escobar, Antonio Garisa, Alicia Hermida, Roberto Camardiel, Agustín González which made Me debes un muerto (1971) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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