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Streaming The Tragic Burlesque 1995 Film complet vietsub hd

Movies Detail of The Tragic Burlesque (1995)

✓ Title : The Tragic Burlesque
✓ Original Title : Urnebesna tragedija
✓ Release Date : May 10th, 1995
✓ Genres : Drama, Fantasy, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Director : Goran Marković
✓ Writer : Dušan Kovačević
✓ Companies : Nova Televizia Sofia, Compagnie des Films, Dari Films, Multimex Films, ARTE France Cinéma
✓ Countries : Bulgaria, France, Serbia
✓ Cast : Boro Stjepanović, Rade Šerbedžija, Olivera Marković, Danilo 'Bata' Stojković, Gordana Gadžić, Sonja Savić, Dragan Nikolić, Vojislav Brajović, Vesna Trivalić, Bogdan Diklić

Synopsis of The Tragic Burlesque (1995)

In a way of protesting for inhuman living conditions and the shortage of medications caused by the disintegration of Yugoslavia and its sanctions, a doctor in a hospital decides to close his clinic for mental illness. His wish is to return the patients to their homes or give them to someone who is willing to accept them temporarily.

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Well, The Tragic Burlesque (1995) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Tragic Burlesque (1995) itselft directed by Goran Marković and Starring by Boro Stjepanović, Rade Šerbedžija, Olivera Marković, Danilo 'Bata' Stojković, Gordana Gadžić, Sonja Savić, Dragan Nikolić, Vojislav Brajović, Vesna Trivalić, Bogdan Diklić which made The Tragic Burlesque (1995) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Tragic Burlesque (1995)

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