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Watch Foaming at the Mouth (2017) Full Movie Streaming

Movies Detail of Foaming at the Mouth (2017)

✓ Title : Foaming at the Mouth
✓ Original Title : Ar putām uz lūpām
✓ Release Date : November 10th, 2017
✓ Genres : Drama, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Director : Jānis Nords
✓ Writers : Jānis Nords, Matthew Gossett
✓ Companies : Artbox, Tasse Film
✓ Countries : Poland, Latvia, Lithuania
✓ Cast : Imants Strads, Ziedonis Ločmelis, Indra Briķe, Ieva Puķe, Jeļeņa Sigova, Vilis Daudziņš, Alvis Birkovs, Raimonds Celms

Synopsis of Foaming at the Mouth (2017)

After losing his leg, ex-cop Didzis focuses on training his three beloved police dogs. His estranged wife Jana, a doctor at the local sports school, seeks romantic fulfilment with Roberts, a 17-year-old student and a promising swimmer. After a secret randez-vous, Jana hits a rabid wild boar with her car and eventually spreads the virus to Didzis’ dogs. The accident ignites dark suspicion and jealousy in Didzis. Busy with finding and punishing Jana’s secret lover, Didzis overlooks the ever-growing strangeness and aggression in his now infected dogs. Just as the love triangle becomes toxic, the dogs escape and threaten the local town. Facing both personal and professional fiasco, Didzis decides to take matter in his own hands.

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Well, Foaming at the Mouth (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Foaming at the Mouth (2017) itselft directed by Jānis Nords and Starring by Imants Strads, Ziedonis Ločmelis, Indra Briķe, Ieva Puķe, Jeļeņa Sigova, Vilis Daudziņš, Alvis Birkovs, Raimonds Celms which made Foaming at the Mouth (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Foaming at the Mouth (2017)

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