Movies Detail of Liberty (1972)
✓ Title : Liberty
✓ Original Title : Bronte: cronaca di un massacro che i libri di storia non hanno raccontato
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1972
✓ Genres : History, Drama
✓ Runtime : 109 minutes
✓ Director : Florestano Vancini
✓ Writers : Nicola Badalucco, Fabio Carpi, Fabio Carpi, Florestano Vancini, Florestano Vancini, Leonardo Sciascia, Benedetto Benedetti
✓ Companies : Alfa Cinematografica, Istra Film, RAI
✓ Countries : Italy, Croatia
✓ Cast : Anđelko Štimac, Dubravko Jelačić-Bužimski, Giuliano Petrelli, Ivo Garrani, Miodrag Lončar, Loris Bazzocchi, Slobodan Dimitrijević, Mariano Rigillo, Ilija Džuvalekovski, Rudolf Kukić
✓ Original Title : Bronte: cronaca di un massacro che i libri di storia non hanno raccontato
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1972
✓ Genres : History, Drama
✓ Runtime : 109 minutes
✓ Director : Florestano Vancini
✓ Writers : Nicola Badalucco, Fabio Carpi, Fabio Carpi, Florestano Vancini, Florestano Vancini, Leonardo Sciascia, Benedetto Benedetti
✓ Companies : Alfa Cinematografica, Istra Film, RAI
✓ Countries : Italy, Croatia
✓ Cast : Anđelko Štimac, Dubravko Jelačić-Bužimski, Giuliano Petrelli, Ivo Garrani, Miodrag Lončar, Loris Bazzocchi, Slobodan Dimitrijević, Mariano Rigillo, Ilija Džuvalekovski, Rudolf Kukić
Synopsis of Liberty (1972)
The revolt of the people of a Sicilian village further to the Expedition of the Thousand which, in 1860, enables Garibaldi to liberate Sicily.
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Well, Liberty (1972) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Liberty (1972) itselft directed by Florestano Vancini and Starring by Anđelko Štimac, Dubravko Jelačić-Bužimski, Giuliano Petrelli, Ivo Garrani, Miodrag Lončar, Loris Bazzocchi, Slobodan Dimitrijević, Mariano Rigillo, Ilija Džuvalekovski, Rudolf Kukić which made Liberty (1972) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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