Movies Detail of Hell's Bloody Devils (1970)
✓ Title : Hell's Bloody Devils
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1970
✓ Genres : Drama, Action, Crime
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Director : Al Adamson
✓ Writer : Jerry Evans
✓ Company : Independent International Pictures (I-I)
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : John Carradine, Kent Taylor, Scott Brady, John Gabriel, Erin O'Donnell, Jack Starrett, Anne Randall, Broderick Crawford, Vicki Volante, Robert Dix
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1970
✓ Genres : Drama, Action, Crime
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Director : Al Adamson
✓ Writer : Jerry Evans
✓ Company : Independent International Pictures (I-I)
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : John Carradine, Kent Taylor, Scott Brady, John Gabriel, Erin O'Donnell, Jack Starrett, Anne Randall, Broderick Crawford, Vicki Volante, Robert Dix
Synopsis of Hell's Bloody Devils (1970)
Bikers, Nazis, Mafiosi, and the FBI all clash in this wild and wooly exploitation picture from director Al Adamson. Mark Adams (John Gabriel) is an FBI agent who has been assigned to infiltrate an organized crime ring that has obtained a set of printing plates that will allow them to produce nearly perfect counterfeit 20-dollar bills. The plates were made in Germany during World War II, and were discovered by a radical right-wing group hoping to restore the Nazi Party to power. The American gangsters are in cahoots with a group of wealthy American neo-Nazis sympathetic to the new German cause, led by fugitive war criminal Count von Delberg (Kent Taylor); the count has in turn recruited a vicious motorcycle gang, the Bloody Devils, to do his dirty work.
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Well, Hell's Bloody Devils (1970) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Hell's Bloody Devils (1970) itselft directed by Al Adamson and Starring by John Carradine, Kent Taylor, Scott Brady, John Gabriel, Erin O'Donnell, Jack Starrett, Anne Randall, Broderick Crawford, Vicki Volante, Robert Dix which made Hell's Bloody Devils (1970) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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