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Regarder Talento de barrio 2008 film complet streaming VF

Movies Detail of Talento de barrio (2008)

✓ Title : Talento de barrio
✓ Release Date : October 10th, 2008
✓ Genres : Drama, Action, Crime
✓ Runtime : 107 minutes
✓ Director : José Iván Santiago
✓ Writers : Daddy Yankee, George Rivera, Ángel M. Sanjurjo, Edgar Soberón Torchia
✓ Company : ArtFilms
✓ Country : Puerto Rico
✓ Cast : Glory Montalvo, Ana Isabelle, Eddie D, Angélica Alcaide, Katiria Soto, Rey Pirin, Norma Colón, Maestro, César Farrait, Daddy Yankee

Synopsis of Talento de barrio (2008)

A young drug dealer falls in love while facing disruption among the men in his gang, and being offered a career as a Reggaetón singer.

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Well, Talento de barrio (2008) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Talento de barrio (2008) itselft directed by José Iván Santiago and Starring by Glory Montalvo, Ana Isabelle, Eddie D, Angélica Alcaide, Katiria Soto, Rey Pirin, Norma Colón, Maestro, César Farrait, Daddy Yankee which made Talento de barrio (2008) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Talento de barrio (2008)

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