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Movies Detail of How to Build a Girl (2019)

✓ Title : How to Build a Girl
✓ Release Date : September 7th, 2019
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 102 minutes
✓ Directors : Coky Giedroyc, Non Eleri Hughes, Jack Wren, Robyn Henderson, Sven Arnstein, Andrew Mackie
✓ Writers : Caitlin Moran, Caitlin Moran
✓ Companies : IFC Films, Tango Entertainment, Film4 Productions
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Alfie Allen, Sarah Solemani, Paddy Considine, Ziggy Heath, Bobby Schofield, Beanie Feldstein, Laurie Kynaston, Tadhg Murphy, Arinzé Kene, Frank Dillane

Synopsis of How to Build a Girl (2019)

The journey of Midlands teenager Johanna Morrigan, who reinvents herself as Dolly Wilde: fast-talking, lady sex-adventurer, moves to London, and gets a job as music critic in the hope of saving her poverty stricken family in Wolverhampton. Based on Caitlin Moran's bestselling semi-autobiographical novel.

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Welcome to our updated Essential Movies To Watch, which features incredible must-watch movies from the 1920s to today! In our annual refresh, we’re sticking with the list’s original vision as a definitive source of movie guidance and education for all ages and stages, whether you’re a seasoned film buff or just starting out, while reflecting new trends and significant movies uncovered over the past year. We’re also just making sure we give you some really good movies to watch.

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Well, How to Build a Girl (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The How to Build a Girl (2019) itselft directed by Coky Giedroyc, Non Eleri Hughes, Jack Wren, Robyn Henderson, Sven Arnstein, Andrew Mackie and Starring by Alfie Allen, Sarah Solemani, Paddy Considine, Ziggy Heath, Bobby Schofield, Beanie Feldstein, Laurie Kynaston, Tadhg Murphy, Arinzé Kene, Frank Dillane which made How to Build a Girl (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

How to Build a Girl (2019)

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