Movies Detail of Reggaeton The Movie (2013)
✓ Title : Reggaeton The Movie
✓ Release Date : October 13th, 2013
✓ Genres : Music, Drama
✓ Runtime : 106 minutes
✓ Director : Carlos Martín
✓ Writer : Ángel M. Sanjurjo
✓ Company : Reggaeton The Movie Films LLC
✓ Country : Puerto Rico
✓ Cast : Manny Montes, Omar Cruz Soto, Che Robótico, Jhony Ou, Saritza Alvarado, Carlos Alberto López, Yaviah, Ángel M. Sanjurjo, Junior R. Urrutia, Natalia Rivera
✓ Release Date : October 13th, 2013
✓ Genres : Music, Drama
✓ Runtime : 106 minutes
✓ Director : Carlos Martín
✓ Writer : Ángel M. Sanjurjo
✓ Company : Reggaeton The Movie Films LLC
✓ Country : Puerto Rico
✓ Cast : Manny Montes, Omar Cruz Soto, Che Robótico, Jhony Ou, Saritza Alvarado, Carlos Alberto López, Yaviah, Ángel M. Sanjurjo, Junior R. Urrutia, Natalia Rivera
Synopsis of Reggaeton The Movie (2013)
Towards the end of the 90's two singers, a dancer, and a novel music producer find themselves in a hard personal and professional battle where the main thing is to be the best at trying to fulfill their dreams. Although its internal conflicts will take them to the depths of the urban world of music and dance today called reggaeton, they will unite their talents to achieve their goals. Inspired by the history of a genre full of conflicts.
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Well, Reggaeton The Movie (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Reggaeton The Movie (2013) itselft directed by Carlos Martín and Starring by Manny Montes, Omar Cruz Soto, Che Robótico, Jhony Ou, Saritza Alvarado, Carlos Alberto López, Yaviah, Ángel M. Sanjurjo, Junior R. Urrutia, Natalia Rivera which made Reggaeton The Movie (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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